
„We were“ oder „We wear“?


Sag es richtig!

The FF causes problems for most Germans. But a simple connection can fix it immediately.


CORRECT pronunciation!

Two words that look simple but need close attention. And a nice way to link a tricky German translation.


 Hier geht’s zum 5 Column System>>>

Aussprachte Tip!

Three tricky words regarding syllable stress.


 Hier geht’s zum 5 Column System>>>

Aussprachte Tip!

Spelling and sound can be tricky to match up.


Das passt nicht!

Which word is the odd one out?

Aussprache!! Practice Tips

If you need more help, ask me in the comments and I’ll help you sound awesome smile

Pronunciation Exercise

Some important pronunciation practice!

Pronunciation of series

This is one of the mispronounced words I hear in class very often. Listen closely and practice, practice, practice. smile

Pronunciation of Regularly

It seems simple, but 99% get it wrong in class.

Pronunciation of Maintenance

Do you want to show off (angeben) with great pronunciation? Here is another word that has an important change from verb to noun!

Pronunciation of Pronunciation

Here’s one I hear mixed up pretty often.

Pronunciation of Sydney

Here’s a tip related to my home country. Let me know if you also made this mistake (it’s very common here in Germany).

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