Watch out for the plurals and non-plurals!


You can never practice it too much!


Looking at examples outside. How MUCH English did you speak yesterday? A bit? A little? A lot? 5 minutes? 8 hours?

Much or many 

Try it out! It’s an interesting way to learn some key grammar

Much and Many Part 1

Ever get much and many mixed up? Here´s a tip from Dave that might make things much easier for you!

Much and Many Part 2 „little or few“

Dave speaks about the words „little“ and „few“ and how to use them!

Much and Many Part 3
„a lot of / lots of“

Today it´s about how you can use a lot of / lots of (by the way, „a lot of“ sounds like „a lotta“ when spoken quickly).


This tip looks at LESS. This could be seen as Part 4 of the „much and many“ series as there is a connection between much/little/less and also between many/few/fewer.

If  you´re translating from German keep in mind that less/fewer = weniger and little/few = wenig(e)

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