Multiple Meanings

What do elephants and trees have in common?

Today is part 1 of 5 in a series showing you words/sounds that have multiple meanings. It’s a fun and often surprising way to learn words together. And because the various meanings are often so different, they tend to stick in your head better. I’ve added pictures to help this effect, but you can do it in your own head too e.g. picture an elephant lifting a large tree and dropping it onto the back part of a car, completely destroying it.

Multiple Meanings Part 2

Trees make great toilets for dogs but they also have another connection: today’s multiple meaning word.

There are also some cool phrases to go with it that I couldn’t squeeze into the video:

“His ____ is worse than his bite”

This means that someone says things that are frightening but his actions are not as bad.

Multiple Meanings Part 3

Today’s word has many meanings (and we even left some out!). It is extremely flexible and covers a wide range of uses, so watch the video a few times and you’ll start to link all the pictures together. The animal would be the perfect thing to link the different meanings to e.g. think of a bear in the desert carrying a huge load of honey jars, repeating to himself over and over to not forget to drink some water…

Multiple Meanings Part 4

Today’s word can also be used in some common sayings:

to go to bat for someone = to support someone when they need your help against other people

right off the bat = from the beginning; straight away

to not bat an eyelid = to show no sign of surprise when something unexpected happens

Multiple Meanings Part 5

Today is number five in our series of multiple meaning words connected to an animal. Today it’s Bambi’s turn.

Perhaps you could let us know below the last time you thought “oh dear..”. Mine was yesterday when I forgot to take my mask with me (it was the 10th time at least).

David’s VLog – Irregular plurals word

Irregular plurals word

Plurals in English are pretty easy… just putting an S at the end. But there are many plurals which don’t follow this rule and here are some of the most problematic. Pay close attention to the last two examples!

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