Pronunciation of
W – F – V!
I hear mistakes with W, V and F perhaps more than with TH. So get in front of a mirror or shoot a quick video like I did and SEE if you’re making the sounds correctly.
Another combo to practice with is whale – fail – veil (always remember that the position for the V and F are the same; the only difference is that your vocal cords vibrate on the V).
Pronunciation – Silent B
Psssst. Do you know any words with a ‘silent b’? SILENT B? What’s that? It means that you don’t pronounce the letter b in the word. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Speaking of mind-blowing. Have a look at David’s tip.
Pronunciation – Silent Ps and a silent W!
They are some of the most common mispronunciations in class, so do your best to get them into your psyche
Pronunciation –
G sounds
G is generally an easy sound to get right but some problem words pop up constantly in class, so here´s a tip to point you in the right direction.
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