Passive Voice – Part 3

Today you see how to create sentences like:

„My car is being repaired at the moment.“

„The room was being cleaned when I arrived.“

Passive Voice – Part 2

Here you see five simple tenses (no ing) changed from active to passive.

It goes pretty quickly, so here are the forms of „to be“ for reference.
Simple future: will be
Simple present: am/are/is
Simple past: was/were
Present perfect simple: have been/has been
Past perfect simple: had been

Watch it a few times and you’ll start to get a feel for the structure.


Passive Voice – Part 1

Often the passive voice is used to hide the person who does the action e.g. „A mistake WAS MADE“. „The car IS PRODUCED in Germany.“ „The room WILL BE PAINTED tomorrow.“

Today you learn the three things you must be able to do to create these sentences.

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