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Kategorie: David’s VLog

Unser Headcoach David Allanby veröffentlicht seit Mai 2020 wöchentlich Videos auf Instagram und Facebook. Mit seinen „Tuesday Tips“ erhalten Sie interessante Videos rund um die englische Sprache. Nachfolgend können Sie alle bisherigen Videos zum Englischlernen nach Themen geordnet anschauen.

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Wenn Sie immer das neuste „Tuesday Tip“ Video wöchentlich automatisch erhalten möchten, dann folgen Sie uns doch einfach auf unseren Social Media Kanälen Instagram und Facebook. Jeden Tag posten wir hilfreiche Beiträge, um Ihr Englisch aufzufrischen. Hier geht es direkt zu unseren Kanälen Instagram und Facebook.

Auch auf unserem YouTube Kanal veröffentlichen wir jetzt wöchentlich interessante Videos zum Englisch lernen.

David’s Vlog – BECOME

BECOME "Part 2" When do get and become have the same/different meaning?BECOME "Part 1" Become doesn't mean "bekommen", so how do you use it. After you watch the video write a sentence using become. Practice makes perfect! Wenn Sie immer das neuste „Tuesday Tip“ Video...

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David’s Vlog – PHRASAL VERBS

GET ON Get on has a few different meanings and in this video we focus on the idea of time.GET ON WITH If you translate "Wir verstehen uns." as "We understand each other.", then check today's tip for correct ways to say it.GET BACK TO You can use this phrasal verb for...

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David’s Vlog – SOUND + MEANINGS

GROSS Pronunciation In class 9 out of 10 people say this word incorrectly. So, check it out, repeat it a few times, and send it to others you'd like to help sound better.Recipe - Receipt - Prescription Today's three words are linked to the German word "Rezept" (two...

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David’s Vlog – THE FUTURE

THE FUTURE - Part Four The meeting begins in 20 minutes. My plane lands at 8 pm. These are all examples of using the simple present for the future. My next class starts at 8:30 am.THE FUTURE - Part Three You can use the present progressive when talking about the...

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Irregular Verbs - Part Six Here I've grouped the irregular verbs that go I-A-U. Like swIm-swAm-swUm In my little "story" I mix verbs and a couple of nouns at the end. The main thing is to get the images into your head connected together. Then by remembering one or...

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David’s Vlog – PASSIVE VOICE

Passive Voice - Part 3 Today you see how to create sentences like: "My car is being repaired at the moment." "The room was being cleaned when I arrived."Passive Voice - Part 2 Here you see five simple tenses (no ing) changed from active to passive. It goes pretty...

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David’s VLog – FOR VS SINCE

"For and Since" For and Since with the present perfect. Not always easy. Wie benutze ich FOR und SINCE? Wann setze ich sie wie ein. Einer der meist gemachten Fehler von Deutschen ist hier die falsche Übersetzung der Zeit und oft auch die falsche Verwendung von FOR und...

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David’s VLog – Pronunciation

Pronunciation of W - F - V! I hear mistakes with W, V and F perhaps more than with TH. So get in front of a mirror or shoot a quick video like I did and SEE if you're making the sounds correctly. Another combo to practice with is whale - fail - veil (always remember...

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